Dumvator Lift

The name for the dumbwaiter likely came from its ability to act as a silent servant, using the outdated term “dumb” for someone who does not speak

A dumbwaiter is a small freight elevator or lift intended to carry food. Dumbwaiters found within modern structures, including both commercial, public and private buildings, are often connected between multiple floors. When installed in restaurants, schools, hospitals, retirement homes or in private homes, the lifts generally terminate in a kitchen

A simple dumbwaiter is a movable frame in a shaft, dropped by a rope on a pulley, guided by rails

Dumbwaiters are typically the most economical choice for a lift system. Available in any size configuration up to: 39" deep x 39″ wide x 48″ high and usually carrying 100-750 lbs. Dumbwaiters can stop at counter height for hand loading or floor level for carts and hand trucks

A simple dumbwaiter is a movable frame in a shaft, dropped by a rope on a pulley, guided by rails; most dumbwaiters have a shaft, cart, and capacity smaller than those of passenger elevators, usually 45 to 450 kg (100 to 992 lbs.)

The Benefits Of Installing A Dumbwaiter

  • Save Time. One of the key benefits of using a dumbwaiter is that it saves time. ...
  • Reduce The Risk Of Injury. Frequently carrying heavy items up and down stairs can cause an injury due to constant strain on your back. ...
  • Save Space. ...
  • Save Money.

A Range of Dumb Waiter Lifts

  • Window Type Dumbwaiter - these are our most popular option. ...
  • Floor Type Dumbwaiter - these are installed where there are goods that need to be loaded onto a forklift, or pallet truck. ...
  • Goods Lift Dumbwaiter - this is a larger model, and it looks more like a traditional elevator.