Industrial / Goods Lift
Goods lifts are designed to move goods, palettes and heavy loads between two or more floors, they can also function as bin/bike lifts. They are traditionally seen in back of house applications, such as catering environments, moving stock in warehouses and retail storage areas.
Goods lifts are manufactured in a way that they carry only heavy loads vertically. The loads can be of any mass that can be carried vertically based on the goods lift size. As the manpower is reduced the production is increased when we install goods lift in industries.
The working of pure goods lift is Call and send buttons at each landing.
Unlike passenger lifts, these lifts operate at considerably reduced speeds. Recommended speeds range from 15 to 25 meters per minute(50 to 80 ft. per minute) or 0.15 to 0.3 meter per second
Goods lift are also called freight elevator